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The recommended weekly minutes for students in Grades PreK-5 are based on the student’s current Performance Predictor category. Students in grades 6 through 12 who are enrolled in Core5 have a target of 100 mins/wk. Students with a grade of “Other” who are enrolled in Core5 have a target of 60 mins/week. Students log in by entering a Username and Password and then clicking the arrow button .
Research Core5 Supports Reading Gains for Low SES Students Classes in grades 1 and 2 were randomly assigned to use Core5 or a control group. Core5 users outgained controls on a standardized reading test. Like you, we know that literacy is the gateway to all learning. At Lexia, we are proud to be on this journey with you. We share your commitment to deliver more equitable learning experiences to every student. Tell your child to log out completely when they are finished with the program by selecting the red X in the upper right corner of the screen.
Three-step instructional branching
Here’s a screen shot of a “game.” You’re reconstructing 2 syllable words the computer has said. Each game starts with a short bit of instruction and then continues on to “drill the students” with a fun game. If they miss the problem more than 2 times in a row they are given more instruction.
Symphony Math is a web-enabled program with a visual and highly intuitive interface. The program helps students understand at a conceptual level. Instead of being overwhelmed by numbers, students move at their own speed and learn how math works. Symphony Math provides math intervention and screening for grades K through 5.
Core5 Enhances Reading Growth in Students with Disabilities
Coming Soon Lexia® Aspire™ Professional Learning, grounded in the science of reading, is a flexible, self-paced, digital solution that... Skill Builders® to help strengthen and extend newly learned skills. Core5 Buttons Guide will help you understand how the program functions. Paper-and-pencil and hands-on activities are used for practicing and extending skills. Once they’ve gotten a certain number right they get a fun animation that always makes my kids laugh.
Use of this app requires an active account for Lexia® Core5® Reading. If you do not have a username and password, please contact your school for more information. Our Customer Success team offers 45-minute webinars to support families with their understanding of the student programs, supporting home use, and more. Watch the apple icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.
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Core5 makes student performance data easy to access and simple to interpret, and teachers have the resources they need for face-to-face instruction and independent student practice. Students can access Core5 in the classroom, on the go, and at home using desktops/laptops and tablets . No matter the platform, students have full program access and can move between supported devices seamlessly. Core5 was developed with a mission to mitigate that gap. Built on Structured Literacy, Core5 is intended to help provide equitable learning opportunities for all students, as well as to transform student learning for success and well-being. Established with a promise to improve student literacy through the use of technology, more than four million students learn with Lexia.

Use of this program requires an active account for Lexia Reading Core5. If you do not have a username and password, please contact your child's school for more information. Check out some games and activities in the Lexia® Connections to reinforce or extend the skills students are exploring online in Core5.
Lexia Core5 Reading accelerates the development of fundamental literacy skills for students of all abilities in grades preK-5, helping them make that critical shift from learning to read to reading to learn. Based on performance on a research-validated, adaptive auto-placement, students begin Core5 at the level that's just right for them. From there, Core5 seamlessly adapts with student performance, targets skill gaps as they emerge, and equips educators with the data and instructional resources they need to personalize instruction for every student. In Core5’s three-step adaptive blended learning model, students are motivated by their own success as they follow their own personalized learning paths.
First you the parent sign up, and set up your classroom. I had a few bumps getting that set up, but thankfully the people at Lexia were more than willing to help me fix where I wasn’t getting it right. Then your kids come in and take the reading assessment. The percent of students working in or above grade level in Core5 increased from 48% to 95%. In only six months, the percentage of students working in or above grade level in Core5 increased dramatically from 40% to 82%.
As a literacy expert, she knew Lexia® Core5® Reading was the right choice for her school due to its scope and explicit instruction. While many reading programs may be described as research-based, Core5 is research-proven to improve learning outcomes. Core5 is evaluated by using rigorous scientific methods and has been found effective with a variety of populations to help close the literacy gap in as little as 10 weeks.
Research Kansas Reading Initiative (2013/14) Students in Core5 schools showed significantly greater advances in tier status on aimsweb than students in a non-Core5 school with similar demographics to the Core5 schools. The quantity and quality of efficacy research on Core5 is unparalleled, with 20 peer-reviewed and published research studies that meet the standards of evidence required under the Every Student Succeeds Act . Core5 received a "Strong" rating—the highest ranking available—from Evidence for ESSA, and the National Center on Intensive Interventions reported positive effects favoring Lexia users over non-users in all reviewed studies.
Our digital-centric solutions can be used together or individually to meet structured literacy learning needs for any student as well as teachers who support them. This randomized control trial showed that Core5 was more effective than comparable programs in leading to reading growth in students with disabilities. Ever since my kids tried an “online school program” that was really more of a game, I’ve been dubious of computer school programs. I wanted my kids to be out in the world and learning things, but I also recognize they need to know how to use a computer and interact. When this happens, the system still considers their session open, until it logs them off after 20 minutes of inactivity. Core5 calculates and reports usage minutes in myLexia only after students log out or have been automatically logged after a set period of inactivity.
This apple will turn red if your child is struggling with an activity or concept. Make sure you are using a supported device and a consistent internet connection. Students begin the online program at a starting point that is right for them based on the results of a brief placement activity. My kids are not online at home at all to the moment, but they use computers at school quite a bit . I can log in as teacher and see how my kids are doing. The teacher section gives me an overview of what areas they’re working on, what areas they’re struggling in, and what areas I might need to teach more on.
Beginning MATH
Lexia Lessons and Lexia Skill Builders provide opportunity for use of multi-sensory techniques that are helpful for students with dyslexia to remember and apply the skills being presented and reviewed. The percent of students working in or above grade level in Core5 more than doubled, increasing from 40% to 99% in less than one school year. All edtech is not created equal, as Principal Alexandra Prieto learned. She had been using literacy technology for her students but was unhappy with the results. She switched to Core5® and found it benefitted her native English speakers and her Emergent Bilinguals. Principal Regina Teat of Maryland had years of experience with LETRS® professional learning.
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